Why You Need To Learn Price Action…
We all have many years trading experience and throughout this time we have tried and tested numerous approaches and software programs for trading. These one could say come into the categories of the “good, the bad and the ugly”.
Having this knowledge lets us concentrate solely on what we know to be the “good”.
We feel there is no one person or Company other than ourselves that will educate you more and give you the training that is required to help make you successful .
Our primary starting point is to show how to read price charts by understanding the “Price Action” of those charts correctly.
Learning “Price Action” comes in a stage by stage process with the final piece of the jigsaw learning how to trade what we call the “ Vertical Bar Trading Pattern”. (VBTP)
The end process enables one to have a powerful methodology for making trading decisions and the confidence to trade what they see and not what they hear.
If it is Forex, Futures, Options or just simply Shares one wants to trade the starting point is having a methodology for trading signals. Trading Price Action gives those signals.