All of our team have many years trading experience and are thoroughly committed to giving all of our students a real opportunity to becoming successful in this very rewarding, yet so difficult profession. Our leading educator “Ian Foster” has been training traders since 1998. We have literally hundreds of testimonials over the years complimenting our teachings and methodologies. It is very fair to say that there is not a more committed team in this industry that strives for our students success. Our methodologies are simple yet very powerful.
Ian Foster first began buying equities in the mid 1980’s. His first venture into Financial trading was when a business acquaintance he knew told him about a previous success he had with a “penny share”. Ian said to this gent that if he thought a further opportunity might arise in the future to let him know.
A few weeks later this acquaintance called into his office on a Monday morning and told him he thought the time was perhaps right to have a go at this same company he had the previous success. The price of the shares had fallen back from where they had been but he felt they were just ready to rise again. The name of the company was “Rotoprint”. The shares were trading at 8.75 pence.
Ian bought the shares at 8.75pence per share and two days later sold them for a profit of £2000. He had now caught the bug.
Unfortunately his next few share purchases were not as successful.
It was a few years later before he got a strong interest in the derivative markets. Starting to trade options and then futures.
He attended a trading seminar away back in the mid 1990’s and as informative as it was there really was not a methodology for taking trading decisions. He read and attended numerous other courses at the same time as he was trading but unfortunately having more losses that gains.
His quest for finding a methodology to trade was never ending but he was nearly giving up until he came across a remarkable man in America whom had not only developed trading programs for some of the large trading houses in the states but who was also trading himself using a methodology that was based on buying or selling pressures of an instrument. This was Ian’s introduction into price action trading and one with whom he has been using himself to trade daily.
Ian has over the years built a great amount of experience in trading “Price Action” and has been teaching others to do the same since 1998. He is very committed to helping others to be successful at trading and help them eliminate the mistakes he made in his early trading days.
Ian has featured in “SHARES” magazine and has been a speaker at trading exhibitions. He also wrote a daily market commentary for a well known Financial website that was attracting great readership but unfortunately went to ground at the time of the dot com crash a few years past.
Zafrian got the trading bug in the early 1990’s after a 3 day workshop in the U.K.
After many attempts of trying to find a methodology that gave him an edge in the sometimes volatile markets, he finally got hooked on ‘Price Action Trading’.
After attending a Seminar by Ian he finally realised ‘Price Action Analysis’ gave him a leading edge to market analysis unavailable in other somewhat ‘lagging’ traditional approaches that relied heavily on indicators and so on.
Very much a technical person with vast experience with computers, software and other relevant technologies etc